What is the cost of opening an ice cream parlor?

If you've already made the plan to open your own ice cream parlor, looking at your finances can seem pretty daunting. However, you should not shy away from the hurdle of obtaining enough start-up capital.

Sure, it won't be easy, but with a few tips on hand and some good advice, you'll recoup the cost of opening your very own ice cream parlor.

So what is the cost of opening an ice cream parlor?

The cost of opening an ice cream parlor is approximately €30,000 to €150,000, depending on the type of ice cream parlor, equipment and size.

But let's take a closer look at the individual cost items.

An important cost: do you want to make your own ice cream?

A major influence on the cost is the decision whether you want to produce your own ice cream or buy it in.

If you want to make your own ice cream, you will need various machines that are relatively expensive to buy. Good devices are expensive in this area, but you usually get powerful machines that will accompany you for many years.

In addition, you have to buy ingredients and it can happen that recipes go wrong, so that you have to throw away food. Especially when you're creating new recipes, there's bound to be some waste.

Energy and rental costs are also higher if you make your own ice cream. You will need an extra helping hand and have to hire more employees than if you buy the ice cream.

All this causes significantly higher costs, which you must include and calculate. Given the high initial costs, does it make sense to produce ice yourself?

Sure, because your ice cream producer also wants to earn money with his work and will sell you the single ice cream bowl for a much higher price than you could produce it yourself.

The initial investment is more expensive when you produce your own - but in the long run you will save a lot of money, depending on your production volume.

Our rule of thumb: below an annual turnover of €50,000 with ice cream, it makes more economic sense to buy in the ice cream.

Above 100,000 € turnover you should produce yourself in any case. In between, it depends on your preferences: Do you enjoy making ice cream, do you want to create your own recipes and always have ice cream fresh every day? Then produce it yourself!

Important equipment items that you should include in the cost calculation:

Devices and machines:

  • Ice cream machine
  • Blast freezer
  • Cream maker
  • Pasteurizer and cream stove
  • Blender and MIlchshaker
  • Ice storage cabinets
  • Turbo and steel mixer
  • Citrus juicers
  • Spaghetti ice presses
  • Immersion cabinet with glass
  • Topping refrigerated counter
  • Crepe and waffle iron
  • Soft ice cream machines
  • uvm.


  • Ice cream parlor sales counter
  • Ice cream and gelatin cups
  • Serving bowls
  • Ice cream and dessert containers
  • Scoops and serving utensils
  • Waffle cone baker
  • Warming devices for topping
  • Topping dispenser
  • Ice cream cone dispenser
  • Napkin holder and napkins
  • High quality ice cream cups and spoons
  • Ingredients for ice cream
  • Uniforms
  • Tables
  • Chairs

The prices of the machines and equipment can vary greatly, as can the prices of the rest of the equipment. It's best to get several quotes in advance.

Machines such as a portafilter or utensils are added if you want to sell not only ice cream, but also other specialties or coffee.

You should also calculate and plan for other unforeseen expenses.

You may want to have your ice cream cups, napkins and the like personalized to promote yourself and create a unified look.

Advertising costs are also not to be neglected and should be integrated into the planning.

How to keep the cost of opening an ice cream parlor as low as possible

You can also start small

If you only have a small amount of start-up capital and are unable to obtain financing, you can open a mobile ice cream store, for example.

This also offers the advantage that you have fewer running costs to deal with should something go wrong. Also, in the case of illness or other failures, you have to worry less about incurring losses.

Look for support!

There are companies that specialize in helping people like you open an ice cream par lor. These companies have the expertise and know-how to make your ice cream parlor a successful business.

Sure, this will increase your expenses at first, but you'll see that it's worth it and that with some targeted advice, you'll recoup your expenses quickly.

One advantage is that you will not only receive comprehensive advice before buying ice machines or other equipment, but you can also contact the relevant experts with all your other questions.

At Krä Eistechnik, for example, you can even buy ice machines directly and get advice before you buy.

But it's not just before you open that you should seek support; even while the business is in full swing, it's advantageous to have experts on hand to advise you. An outside perspective can sometimes work wonders and help you and your company move forward more quickly.

Especially when trained professionals with years of experience provide the advice, you can trust that you will receive helpful tips and advice.

What you can do so that your ice cream parlor generates profit even in winter

For an ice cream parlor owner, of course, it would be best if there were high temperatures and sunshine outside all year round so that customers never ran out.

But because Europe has low temperatures in the winter, most people's desire for ice cream drops rapidly in the winter. As soon as temperatures drop below fifteen degrees and the sun appears less and less often, people naturally tend to crave a hot drink or a warming dish.

For you as the owner of an ice cream parlor, this doesn't have to mean that you have to close your store for the winter. Because with a little business sense and a smart approach, you can adapt your offer to the demand of the people.

Here are some examples of how you can switch your winter offerings from ice cream to other in-demand treats. Or maybe you don't even need to switch it up?

1. offer to-go products

In the fall and winter, people are more likely to want to eat their ice cream at home. You could offer ice cream in to-go containers or other packaging.

You can start slowly with the most popular flavors, just like when you first opened the ice cream shop, and test what goes over well before expanding your offerings.

Also, you could try packaged, homemade treats like ice cream sandwiches or ice cream cones that your customers can easily buy on site and take home to enjoy later.

2. make your store cozy and warm

An important point if you want customers to stay longer with you and thus consume more is a pleasant and cozy ambience. Especially when it gets cooler outside and darkness falls earlier, you should make your premises bright and warm.

You can also adapt your décor to the cooler season and lay out blankets and set up heat mushrooms in the outdoor area, for example.

You can also play with rugs, pillows and warm colors like orange, gold and red to help people escape the gray weather for a few hours.

You can also change your lighting, such as using warm light bulbs and creating a subdued brightness to make the atmosphere inviting.

3. offer seasonal ice cream varieties

Now is the perfect time to experiment with autumnal ice cream flavors.
You can now also test Christmas flavors or experiment around with Christmas spices.

In the fall, you can offer pumpkin, dark chocolate, sweet potato, peppermint, maple, gingerbread, coffee, orange, apple, cinnamon and oatmeal.

4. design your menu stimulating and creative

An effective way to attract more customers is to have varied offerings on the menu.

If you've only offered ice cream so far, you should urgently consider other options like hot coffee, hot chocolate, mulled wine and cake.

Crepes or waffles are also treats that appeal to many people. The scent created when waffles are baked will also be smelled several streets away and will thus attract walk-in customers.

Whenever you add a new product to your offering, you should advertise it online and on your store signs. This arouses curiosity and new offers are accepted more quickly. In addition, you let your customers know that there is always a varied offer at your store and that it is worthwhile to stop by regularly to make sure you don't miss anything.

5. offer special offers or discounts

You can offer your customers a reward if they shop with you out of season.

You can offer daily deals or even weather-based deals, like a discount on their ice cream order if they come when the temperature is below freezing.

A loyalty card that gives customers a free ice cream after ten visits during the snowfall, for example, would also be a fun promotion.

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