We count on you

Calculations and profitability calculations

An ice cream parlour should not only look good and offer optimised workflows, it should also be profitable for you. For this reason, we also help you with profitability calculations and check whether certain purchases are worthwhile for you. We also analyse your sales prices together.

Is itworth buying a soft ice cream machine? Is it worth producing ice cream yourself instead of buying it? Is it worth investing in a new, nicer display case? How much do I have to sell to make my shop profitable? At what level of additional turnover do higher production costs pay off? Should I increase the sales price even if I lose some customers? We will be happy to answer these and many other questions.

All data can be personalised to you - we are counting on you! 

You have a bakery, an ice cream par lour or a snack bar and are thinking about buying a soft ice cream machine to complement your range.

You decide to lease the Carpigiani Tre B/P AV Evo for 48 months. You use the machine on approx. 200 sales days - you don't need additional staff.

In order to calculate a realistic forecast, three scenarios were calculated: an average of 15, 25 or 50 portions per day (corresponding to 3,000, 5,000 and 10,000 portions per year) at a price of € 2.00 per portion. As you can see, the investment pays off already at 25 servings per day or 5,000 servings per year - and at a higher turnover it gets really interesting!

You have further questions?

We also have the right solution partner for you! Feel free to call us.

Your contact for calculations and profitability calculations is
Thomas Hillenbrand

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